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16th ICPA Save The Date

16th ICPA Save The Date
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Past Proceedings

Access to the proceedings of the ICPA are available online.
All the oral and poster presentation abstracts and full papers are available to the public.

16th ICPA Sponsors

About ICPA

Welcome to the International Conference on Precision Agriculture.

The 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture will highlight significant research and its applications in precision agriculture and showcase emerging technologies and information management for agriculture. It will offer oral and poster presentations and exhibits, as well as discussions and exchanges of information on various aspects of precision agriculture. Sessions will offer information on key topics for scientists, crop consultants, advisors, extension personnel, agronomists, producers, and other practitioners.

The 16th ICPA will be held at the Manhattan Conference Center in Manhattan, Kansas USA.  

The purpose of ISPA is to:
Organize and conduct the biennial International Conference on Precision Agriculture 
Develop and maintain a web-portal to communicate the latest developments in Precision Agriculture.
Maintain a member listserv to communicate among society members.
Publish a monthly ISPA e-newsletter for members and newsletter subscribers 
Provide members an opportunity for publication of original scientific research in the society sponsored, peer-reviewed journal, Precision Agriculture.
We look forward to seeing you in Manhattan, Kansas, USA, 21-24 July 2024!

2024 16th ICPA Photos

Registration Now Open

16th ICPA Deadlines

Date Description
1 Dec 2023 Abstract Submission Deadline - Final
1 Feb 2024 Abstract Review Notices are Released
16 Apr 2024 Award Nomination Deadline
1 Jun 2024 Full Papers Due
14 Jun 2024 Presenter Conference Registration Deadline, the abstract will be dropped from the program if the presenter is not registered by this date
21-24 Jul 2024 Conference Dates