

Filtered by : Colombia

Results2 articles found.

Integration of Optical and Radar Remote Sensing for Biomass Monitoring in Sugarcane

Agricultural Systems, Soil Health, and Sustainability Challenges   Agricultural systems worldwide are impacting soil health conditions, ultimately leading to reduced productivity. In some countries, the expansion of the agricultural frontier is affecting forested areas. The improper use of agricultural inputs and inefficient water management necessitate alternative approaches to sustain food production within a more sustainable model.   While increasing productivity is imperative, environmental conservation must remain a priority. Ensuring the long-term health and productivity of soils is crucial for future generations. Smart farming applications based on Earth Observation (EO) have demonstrated their potential to reduce water, fertilizer, and pesticide consumption ...

Precision Agriculture: A Historical Perspective and Current Trends of production monitoring installed in harvester of Sugarcane in Colombia

Precision agriculture began to gain momentum in the early 1990s. The implementation of production monitors initially focused on corn and soybean crops. However, significant advancements were made, such as Graeme Cox’s contributions in 1996, which led to the development of production maps for sugarcane. Later, in Brazil, the concept was refined and validated for use in both manual harvesting with sugarcane loaders and mechanical harvesters.   In Colombia, the first equipment (production monitor) for sugarcane harvesting arrived in 2007, along with the necessary concepts for understanding and utilizing this technology. This initiative was driven by one of the oldest sugar ...