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Precision Weed Management Research Advancement In The Near East
H. Ghosheh


Precision weed control research received considerable attention since the introduction of global positioning systems (GPS). GPS and geographic information systems (GIS) technologies may assist with field monitoring, particularly; in deciding what weed species to monitor? What weed densities are bypassing critical thresholds? and where?  While advancements in precision agricultural research could be detected through the intensive publications in the developed world, these new technologies are less applied in underdeveloped countries. Instrumentation, among other aspects, is considered a limitation in introducing or developing precision agriculture techniques. This paper will highlight the recent advancement in research efforts in several Near East Countries in respect to precision weed management. Weed management techniques in these countries are less herbicide-dependent, which in principal might reduce the rationale behind adopting precision weed management technologies. Precision weed management relies on a wealth in weed biology information, as well as, on knowledge on weed population dynamics. Both of these scientific aspects received minor attention in underdeveloped countries. Nevertheless, the paper will provide a base line assessment of research efforts in this vital new approach. In addition, the review will outline possible advances and determine short comings in precision weed management techniques.  
Keyword: Precision Weed Management, Near East, Jordan, advancements