
Community Leaders

Community Leader:
Rodrigo Trevisan
Community Vice Leader:
Fernando Scaramuzza

Precision Agriculture in Latin America

Community Name: Precision Agriculture in Latin America
Justification: The majority of farming areas and people involved in agriculture in the Latin American region follow a trend identified with small family farming or intensive horticultural systems. Only is some countries, particularly Brazil and Argentina there are large operations with limited human resources.

The way precision agriculture (PA) has been introduced into some parts of the region does not always meet the local necessities. At the same time, the knowledge about PA concepts is in a slower rhythm if compared with other markets.
A Community that considers the geography of Latin America as the boundaries to develop PA will help us to better promote proper practices and understand the local challenges and limitations of those managements. Focus has also to be directed to actions related to education and training at all levels.
Interests/Scope: This community will: 1) promote PA in Latin America, and 2) use the ISPA site and other sources of communication to disseminate available information, and educate potential users.
Proposed Activities:
  1. Hold an Annual Community Meeting (either at the ICPA, a virtual meeting, or otherwise as arranged by the community leaders).
  2. Conduct an election of the Community Leadership at the Community Meeting in alternate years.
  3. Maintain a webpage with available information on the ISPA site. This would include all the available written material, in their original Languaje (Portuguese or Spanish), and a Directory of people and private and public institutions (by country), devoted to Precision Agriculture.
  4. Promote the nomination of country representatives for most LA countries.
  5. Organize a minimum of one oral session at each ICPA dedicated to topics of regional interest.
  6. Request a special issue of the Precision Agriculture journal dedicated to studies done in the region.

Community Resources

Books from Embrapa: Agricultura de Precisão: resultados de um novo olhar

Books from Embrapa: Agricultura de Precisão: resultados de um novo olhar  https://www.macroprograma1.cnptia.embrapa.br/redeap2

Books from Embrapa: Agricultura de Precisão: um novo olhar

Books from Embrapa: Agricultura de Precisão: um novo olhar https://www.macroprograma1.cnptia.embrapa.br/redeap2/publicacoes/publicacoes-da-rede-ap/capitulos

PA Publications and materials from the PA Lab, Un. of Sao Paulo

PA Publications and materials from the PA Lab, Un. of Sao Paulo: http://www.agriculturadeprecisao.org.br/publicacoes

Precision Agriculture in Latin America

Special issue (in English): “Precision Agriculture in Latin America” Journal Computers and Electronics in Agriculture COMPAG (Elsevier B.V). ISSN 0168-1699. doi:10.1016/j.compag.2007.03.001. Volume 58, issue 1, August 2007

Agricultura de Precisión: Integrando conocimientos para una agricultura moderna y sustentable

The collaborative book from PROCISUR (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Brasil) in Spanish: Agricultura de Precisión: Integrando conocimientos para una agricultura moderna y sustentable”. PROCISUR/IICA. Programa Cooperativo para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y Agroindustrial del Cono Sur. Montevideo, Uruguay (15 Diciembre 2006). ISBN 92-9039-741-1; 244 páginas