
OFE-C Expression of Interest Signup


Community Leaders

Louis Longchamps
Cornell University
Vice Leader:
Simon Cook

On-Farm Experimentation Community

The OFE-C is a community gathering OFE researchers and practitioners interested in sharing and compiling existing resources online e.g.:
    •    guidelines to implement OFE with farmers
    •    examples of OFE, experiences and lessons learnt
    •    statistical solutions to analyze OFE data
    •    best practices to solve specific OFE problems
The community focuses on: 1) compiling practical, applied, proven-to-be-useful resources; 2) connecting practitioners e.g., OFE networks, extension personnel, analysts. The objective is to provide OFE practitioners with a “1-go-to” source of information.

OFE Data and Analytics Guidelines

The On-Farm Experimentation Data and Analytics Guidelines spin-off from the May 17, 2021, Data and Analytics webinar of the #OFE2021 Webinar Series. They have been put together by the OFE-C leadership with the help of the webinar presenters and the related working group. Their goal is to propose state-of-the art data, metadata and statistical analysis practices in the on-farm experimentation context.

2022 Publication in Nature Food: OFE to Transform Global Agriculture

Our apologies for not having offered the opportunity to consult the full Nature Food paper in our last communication. The publisher does not allow open access for that kind of paper but it does provide an alternative in the form of this SharedIt link.
On-Farm Experimentation Community (OFE-C) co-leads, Simon Cook and Nicolas Tremblay are among the authors of a newly released and highly collaborative Nature Food paper on OFE. This timely work acknowledges and celebrates the diversity of approaches and views on farmer-centric OFE internationally. As the visionary Professor Simon Cook put it, “OFE is the result of accumulated changes across several domains that individually may not be spectacular, but collectively realize a change substantial enough to acknowledge and start articulating.” OFE indeed occurs at the intersection of discussions in agricultural sciences that are necessary to move forward, from best research practices that are inclusive and responsible, to digital technologies that renew spatial analysis and the production of local insights. The paper thesis is that OFE can contribute in a very concrete and pragmatic manner to reshaping relationships between all producers of knowledge — (re) building bridges between researchers, farmers, and other stakeholders of food systems. In many instances change will require proactive support and commitment from institutions. Lacoste, M., Cook, S., McNee, M. et al. On-Farm Experimentation to transform global agriculture. Nat Food (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43016-021-00424-4

Recordings of the #OFE2021 Webinar Series are Available

The four OFE2021 webinars recordings are now available at https://www.ispag.org/Events/OFE
  1. Value Creation. OFE creates value for varied stakeholders, value is shared, and scientific disciplines can contribute. May 10, 2021.
  2. People and Processes. People are the real key to digital transformation. Transformation occurs when individual changes scale up through their networks and their organizations. May 12, 2021.
  3. Data and Analytics. Appropriate procedures and well-targeted analytics can be deployed to exploit the valuable data and metadata collected on the farm. May 17, 2021.
  4. Policy Linkages. Currently, initiatives around OFE are happening in spite of funding mechanisms, career paths and norms favoring traditional experimentation. Harnessing the transformational potential of OFE for agricultural sciences and innovation requires more strategic institutional alignment. May 19, 2021.

Map of the OFE-C Membership (try to reset if the map doesn’t display)

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OFE-C Infos / Newsletters

Related Resources

The DIFM Hosted two conferences in Clearwater, FL

Last week the DIFM team hosted two conferences, the Annual DIFM NC1210 Conference was for researchers while the DIFM Extension Conference was more for extentionists. The conference was well attended and generated great confversations around on-farm experimentation. Keep an eye out for next years conference.

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Feedback on ICPA Business meeting

At the last International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA) in July 2024, we discussed a few points at the OFE-C business meeting. One of which was the desire to foster OFE-C outreach by involving ISPA country reps as ambassadors of OFE in their respective country. We are planning to reach out to continue this conversation with them in the coming weeks and any suggestions for outreach are welcome. We also discussed having a special issue on the topic of On-Farm Experimentation and this has coincidentally happend with the announcement of the Agronomy Journal Special Issue on OFE. Great minds think alike ;0)

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Upcoming event: 2nd International Forum on Agroecosystem Living Labs

The Second International Forum on Agroecosystem Living Labs will take place in Bordeaux, France, from October 15 to 17, 2025. Building on the success of the first Forum held in Montreal in 2023, this event will bring together the global agroecosystem living lab community to advance research, share insights, and tackle key challenges. Organized by INRAE and AAFC, the Forum will feature scientific sessions, panel discussions, networking events, and field tours, creating an inspiring platform for collaboration and innovation. Call for abstracts is open until March 25th 2025.

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#OFE2023 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Farmer-Centric On-Farm Experimentation (Cornell U./online, Dec. 2023)

This book compiles the 23 peer-reviewed papers submitted at the conference, alongside 34 short presentation videos, as well as the conference summary of the keynote and welcome addresses, the summary of the whiteboard sessions that happened during the conference, and the Theory of Change that resulted from those exchanges. The book also contains the summary of the four workshops that happened ahead of the conference in Kenya, the UK, France and Brazil. We want to thank the scientific committee who reviewed all manuscripts included in the proceedings and the co-editors who put this together. >> If on-farm experimentation ...more

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Special Issue on On-Farm Experimentation in the Agronomy Journal

The Special Issue “Advances in On-Farm Agronomic Research and Participatory Learning” of the Agronomy Journal is currently open until April 1st 2025. It is led by ASA President Dr. Peter Kyveryga. This is a great opportunity to bring to light the work that you are doing with farmers and build the scientific literature on on-farm experimentation.

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Featured papers of the month

Changing how agronomic trials are conducted: modulated on farm response surface experiments (MORSE) Farmers’ experiments and scientific methodology Co-creation of knowledge in agroecology

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We want to recognize Renzo Negrini for his ICPA Graduate Student Award. Renzo is a graduate student from the University of Minnesota and an active member of our OFE community. Congrats!

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Bi-annual Business Meeting at the ICPA

Invitations are extended to participate to the bi-annual Business Meeting of the  On-Farm Experimentation Community of the ISPA that will take place from 6:30-8PM on Tuesday July 23rd 2024 at room Konza Prairie C of the Manhattan Conference Center, in Manhattan, KS. This community is dedicated to advancing OFE within the precision agriculture community worldwide. It is also the opportunity to connect with active OFE colleagues in the US and beyond!    The meeting’s agenda is: Updates for the OFE-C Newsletters  Increased membership Conference  Global OFE Network (GOFEN) Scientists AND ...more

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Co-editor of the month

Thanks to my co-editor of the month Dr. Myrtille Lacoste who is an Independent consultant in OFE, Montpellier, France

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The science of OFE is gaining traction

According to the Web of Science, the number of publications with the keyword “on-farm experimentation” has drastically been increasing since 2020. From the records between 1996 and 2020, the average number of publications per year was about 2. Since then, this number rose to about 12 a year – and not all publications are captured. We are clearly witnessing the work of pioneers establishing the science of OFE.

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Tools for OFE: GeoPard

GeoPard is an independent FMIS platform that allows for easier yield data cleaning, analytics, data sharing, and profit map generation among others. One interesting feature of this platform for the OFE community is that it allows for field trials analytics. Farmers who are equipped with precision machinery allowing for variable rate application and yield mapping can use this tool to rapidly analyze the effect of their treatments on yield and on profitability. Learn more about GeoPard here.

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Follow up on the International Conference for On-Farm Precision Experimentation

The International Conference for On-farm Precision Experimentations took place in-person and virtually in South Padre Island, TX, USA on Jan. 8-11, 2024. A total of 115 people registered for the conference from 12 countries. The audience was well balanced between academia (55%) and industry (45%), and this created unique opportunities to advance the principles of OFE. More details on the content of the conference can be found here.

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Interesting OFE publications from around the world

Giannini & Marraccini provide a much needed perspective on OFE in Italy. Their SWOT analysis highlights challenges as well as opportunities for OFE implementation in their country which are relevant to many others.  In East Africa, Pircher et al. discuss the importance of considering innovation as a process rather than an outcome, and discuss factors supporting farmer experimentation such as a facilitating institutional environment and other services. In Guadeloupe, Andrieu et al. provide an example of OFE involving sheep for agroecological weed management on banana plantations. Meanwhile, US colleagues investigated farmers’ perspectives about engaging ...more

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New GOFEN YouTube channel

The Global On-Farm Experimentation Network has just launched its YouTube channel with all the presentations from the #OFE2023 conference. This channel contains a wealth of content relevant for OFE and the diversity of forms that it can take. More presentations and videos will be added from past conferences and future events as they become available. Make sure to like and share videos so that they may reach greater audiences! Great and important work from all who contributed, that is starting to fill the dearth of OFE documentation.

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Follow up on the #OFE2023 conference

The #OFE2023 conference that took place Dec. 5-7th 2023 virtually gathered a total of 160 participants from 41 countries (42% from America; 25% from Africa; 20% from Europe; 8% from Asia; 5% from Oceania), with a live audience of about 70 people throughout the conference. Participants came from a diversity of backgrounds (47% from science, 21% students, 10% agronomists, 9% farmers, and others in NGO, government, and private sector). Participants assisted to presentation for two days and contributed to a workshop to launch the Global OFE Platform (GOFEN) on the third day. The Best Presentation awards went to Emily Murphy (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada), Subha Srinivasagan (Cornell ...more

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LAST DAY to register to the #OFE2023 online conference

LAST DAY TO REGISTER  Cornell University CALS is delighted to host #OFE2023, the 2nd edition of the International Conference for Farmer-Centric On-Farm Experimentation, that will take place online Dec. 5th to 7th, 2023. The #OFE2023 conference will continue to connect OFE stakeholders across the world and to progress the OFE sciences. The objective is to assemble and showcase a global body of knowledge on the latest OFE developments. To achieve this, the conference will provide a platform for OFE researchers and practitioners to exchange on the different ways they move forward. Registration is 50USD You can ...more

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#OFE2023 conference program

See the detailed conference program here.   Also available on the website of the conference.

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OFE principles can help address the complexity of UN Sustainable Development Goals

New approaches to generating knowledge are needed to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participatory action research (PAR) builds on and expands the scientific process through engagement of scientists (ecological, agricultural, and social) with stakeholders in a systematic manner. To illustrate iterative co-learning cycles, we report on two decades of PAR in rural communities in Malawi. Read the full paper by Snapp et al. (2023) here.

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Update on the #OFE2023

If you want to learn about the diversity of OFE, its value proposition and contribute to shape the Global OFE Network, don’t forget to register to the #OFE2023 by using this link. Authors of the #OFE2023 have submitted their contributions, and the review process is underway. The topics of these publications are distributed across five main themes: Agronomy, Data & Technology, Implementation, Scaling & Policy, and Strategy. Stay tuned to learn more about these themes and the conference program (coming soon) by visiting the #OFE2023 website.

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In France, OFE is taking off!

Two years ago, the First OFE international conference (#OFE2021) was organized in Montpellier. Over the last 2 years, many OFE activities have been set up at INRAE and in various agricultural technical institutes including ACTA, Terres Innovia, Arvalis and others. Researchers in the IDEAS network (Initiative for Design in AgriFood Systems) have produced publications and organized OFE events, notably: Toffolini, Q. and Jeuffroy, M.H., 2022. On-farm experimentation practices and associated farmer-researcher relationships: a systematic literature review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 42(6), p.114. (following the OFE2021 conference),  Salembier, C., Aare, A.K., Bedoussac, L., Chongtham, I....more

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International Conference for On-Farm Precision Experimentation

The International Conference for On-farm Precision Experimentations is organized by the multi-university Data-Intensive Farm Management Project (DIFM) and sponsored by the USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture. The purpose of the conference is to present and promote a revolution in agricultural sciences that moves agronomic experimentation from university- and corporate-owned fields to farmers’ own fields. The ICOFPE will take place in South Padre Island, TX, USA from Jan. 8-11, 2024. More information and registration here.

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Recognizing the mutual dependence of stakeholders to change agriculture

[...] "Top-down political processes such as UNFSS +2 and bottom-up movements should not simply co-exist but converge — and recognize their mutual dependence. The global food system is increasingly complex and interconnected, and coordinating different interests in the face of climate change and other global challenges requires supranational bodies capable of setting guidelines at the macro level. Yet, it is the change coming through social movements and the people on the ground that confers the transformation process legitimacy and ownership, making it attuned to different people’s demands and making it sustainable over time." Read ...more

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Another potential benefit of OFE: Adaptive governance to inform better policies

[…] “We find that criticism from narrow disciplinary and institutional perspectives has provided few practical options for policy makers managing these complex and interacting goals. In contrast, ideas from a longstanding but little recognized literature on adaptive governance have potential to create innovative policy options for addressing the multiple interacting goals of Australian drought policy.” […] “Essential to delivering these options is the creation of flexible, regionally distributed scientific support for drought policy capable of integrating local knowledge and informing the livelihood outcomes of critical importance to governments and rural communities.” Read the full paper ...more

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Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics Symposium

Harper Adams University (UK) will be hosting the 6th symposium of the Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics (GIATE) on 18th-19th September 2023. This event is supported by ISPA and CEIA amongst others. OFE-related keynotes include Prof James Lowenberg DeBoer on lessons learned from 30 years of precision agriculture research, and Dr Andreas Meyer-Aurich on Enabling agroecology through digitalization in agriculture. More details and previous proceedings here.

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UK universities support OFE principles: First joint agricultural universities research strategy in the UK

The UK’s main agricultural universities have teamed up to publish their first sector-wide research strategy. The strategy focuses on increasing the impact on agricultural research, and includes new analysis of research activities. “It concerns how we work, rather than prioritising research questions. “ Key commitments include open and inclusive research priority-setting with farmers and other stakeholders. The review was led by the Centre for Effective Innovation in Agriculture, which supports OFE in the UK. Access the full report here.

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OFE Data and Analytics Guidelines

The On-Farm Experimentation Data and Analytics Guidelines spin-off from the May 17, 2021, Data and Analytics webinar of the #OFE2021 Webinar Series. They have been put together by the OFE-C leadership with the help of the webinar presenters and the related working group. Their goal is to propose state-of-the art data, metadata and statistical analysis practices in the on-farm experimentation context.

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OFE in the news: Supporting farmers in their change process

With new digital technologies, scientists and farmers can work together to advance agronomy. By coupling formal agronomic research done by research institutes with change on the ground driven by farmers, the field as a whole can improve. Farmers around the world already experiment on their farms. Not only to support product development for a commercial provider or to accommodate a scientist’s experiment, but to acquire pragmatic knowledge to help manage their farms. This is called farmer-led on-farm experimentation. Read more here.

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Paper highlights

Snapp, S.S., DeDecker, J. and Davis, A.S., 2019. Farmer participatory research advances sustainable agriculture: Lessons from Michigan and Malawi. Agronomy Journal, 111(6), pp.2681-2691. https://doi.org/10.2134/agronj2018.12.0769 Utter, A., White, A., Méndez, V.E. and Morris, K., 2021. Co-creation of knowledge in agroecology. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 9(1), p.00026. https://doi.org/10.1525/elementa.2021.00026

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Can OFE support insurance companies to provide better and cheaper service to farmers?

Climate change has disrupted agricultural cycles and added to the risks faced by farmers globally. Floods, droughts, cyclones, wildfires, and other natural disasters have become more frequent and intense and cause massive destruction and losses. The pandemic-led restricted movement added to farmers’ problems. Crop insurance protects farmers against loss from natural calamities and other risks. However, insurance companies need reliable and timely information on crop area, production, and yield to insure farm operations, customize insurance products for crops and regions, and verify claims. Can OFE help solve this challenge created by climate change? Read more here.

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Biennial conference European Seminar on Extension & Education

The biennial conference European Seminar on Extension & Education was held in Toulouse - 10-13 July 2023. This 26th ESEE which gathers scholars, advisors, and educators, was titled Sustainability transitions of agriculture and the transformation of education and advisory services: convergence or divergence? A number of the themes had some relevance to OFE, these included Digitalization in agriculture, and the effects of digital technology on the practices, actors and organization of advice and education. Learning for innovation and resilience, specifically learning amongst the farming and advisory community including approaches, tools, and ...more

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OFE2023 registration is open

If you haven’t registered yet for the Second International Conference on farmer-centric On-Farm Experimentation (#OFE2023), you can do so here. We have already received over 70 abstracts from 25 countries and authors are currently preparing their presentations for the Dec. 5-7 2023 virtual conference. You can find more information on the event here.

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Abstract submission is open until July 1st.

Dear colleague,   This is a friendly reminder to send your abstract for The Second International Conference on Farmer-centric On-Farm Experimentation. When ready, please submit your short 150-word abstract on how your work relates to OFE here: ABSTRACT SUBMISSION We look forward to reading about your work. Louis Longchamps and the #OFE2023 team conference@gofen.org https://www.gofen.org/ofe2023/

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Abstract submission reminder

Dear OFE community, Abstract submission for the Second International Conference on Farmer-centric On-Farm Experimentation is open until July 1st 2023. Submit your 150-word abstract here towards a 5-page paper and/or a 3-minute video e-presentation. Should you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to visit the conference website, email us, or visit the OFE2021 Conference (proceedings and e-presentations). Thank you for sharing the word about #OFE2023 within your network. Sincerely, Louis Longchamps,  Conference Chair  #OFE2023 Virtual Conference Dec. 5-7th 2023

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Tools for OFE

“On-farm research helps farmers make more informed management decisions in their operations for increased productivity and sustainability. […] major barriers to adoption of on-farm research have been the space (larger fields) and the time required to conduct trials during planting and harvest. As these logistical and potentially economic challenges might discourage farmers from engaging in on-farm research and be part of on-farm research networks, a new way to conduct trials was developed that makes use of yield monitor technology and advances in spatial statistics.” Read more about the single-strip evaluation approach (SSEA) here.

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Recent papers on OFE

Koehler-Cole, K., Basche, A., Thompson, L., Rees, J. (2023). Comparing cover crop research in farmer-led and researcher-led experiments in the Western Corn Belt. Front. Sustain. Food Sys. 7:1064251. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2023.1064251 Laurent, A., Heaton, E., Kyveryga, P. Makowski, D., Puntel, L., Robertson, A., Thompson, L., Miguez, F. (2022). A yield comparison between small-plot and on-farm foliar fungicide trials in soybean and maize. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 42, 86. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13593-022-00822-3 Tanaka, T.S.T., Mieno, T., Tanabe, R., Matsui, T., and Bullock, D.S., 2023. Toward an effective approach for on-farm experimentation: lessons learned from ...more

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Nebraska On-Farm Research Network

The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network is a collaborative project where producers take an active role in answering questions that impact the productivity, profitability, and long-term sustainability of their operations. Research is conducted using scientifically sound methods and results provide valuable information for farmers and agronomists throughout the state. Learn about the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network here. You can also read more in the Proceedings of the North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference.

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#OFE2023 – Abstract submission is open until July 1st

Stay on top of the latest information for the 2nd Conference on Farmer-Centric On-Farm Experimentation which will take place in a virtual format on Dec. 5-7 2023 by visiting the conference webpage: https://www.gofen.org/ofe2023/. You may submit your 150-word abstract here.

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Stay on top of the latest information for the 2nd Conference on Farmer-Centric On-Farm Experimentation, which will take place in a virtual format on Dec. 5-7 2023, by visiting the conference webpage: https://www.gofen.org/ofe2023/

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Relevant papers

Catalogna, M., Dunilac Dubois, M. and Navarrete, M., 2022. Multi-annual experimental itinerary: an analytical framework to better understand how farmers experiment agroecological practices. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 42(2), p.20. Read the paper here.    Farhangi, H., Mozafari, V., Roosta, H.R., Shirani, H. and Farhangi, M., 2023. Optimizing growth conditions in vertical farming: enhancing lettuce and basil cultivation through the application of the Taguchi method. Scientific Reports, 13(1), p.6717. Read the paper here.    Van Rooyen, A.F., Bjornlund, H. and Pittock, J., 2021. Beyond fertilizer for closing yield gaps in sub-Saharan Africa. Nature Food, 2(10), ...more

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Inspiring from other sectors

Observational studies are seldom used in agronomy. However, in medical science, it proves to be a powerful complement to randomized control trials (RCT). Gaudino et al. (2020) explain “Observational studies provide important information on temporal trends in disease prevalence or in the adoption of surgical techniques. They can successfully evaluate the association of patient characteristics with outcomes and are key to develop and validate risk models. Observational studies tend to have greater external validity than RCTs, as they enroll a more heterogeneous population and measure the results of surgical interventions in the “real-world” outside of the highly ...more

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Principles of OFE

We invite you to revisit the 2021 OFE Manifesto for Agricultural Innovation.

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Digital tools for OFE

In this video, you can see the demonstration of the field region analysis tool in the Climate FieldView platform that can be very helpful for On-Farm Experimentation. If you watch from about 15:00 to about 21:00, the speaker provides a very good example of how a tool like this can facilitate the work of farmers in their experimentation. Granular AgStudio offers a similar tool called Treatment Analysis. This poste is not endorsing the Climate FieldView or Granular platforms. It rather shows that interesting digital tools for OFE exist.

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Lunch and learn videos

If you happen to sit at your desk over lunch and are browsing Ted Talks to learn something new, you may want to watch OFE videos. A list of e-presentations from the #OFE2021 prepared by Myrtille Lacoste: Participatory experimentation at CETA35 - N. Trubert et al. (CETA 35, France) Using digital maps to build research questions relevant to Falkland Islands farmers - M. McNee et al. (Department of Agriculture, Falkland Islands) eFields: Ohio State University’s On-Farm Research Program - E. M. Hawkins, et al. (The Ohio State University, USA) Increasing the speed and uptake of innovation ...more

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Using the DIFM OFE tool in Argentina to manage within-field variability.

Since 2017, a group of producers and agricultural companies in the Pampas Region of Argentina gradually started adopting technologies developed by the Data Intensive Farm Management (DIFM) project to conduct on-farm experiments and obtain a deeper learning about within-field spatial and temporal variability of crop response to ag inputs, such as nitrogen and plant population. This region-wide network, coordinated by Dr. Agustin Pagani, independent researcher and president of Clarion, Inc., has rapidly expanded to other regions of the country where less science-based information to support fertilizer recommendations is available. The “checkerboard design” is the base of this effort, ...more

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The CHACRAS system: an OFE project led by AAPRESID in Argentina

The Argentine No-Till Farmers Association (AAPRESID) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization born out of a strong desire to protect farmers’ most valuable resource - the soil. The association is made up of a network of farmers who have adopted and promoted a new agricultural paradigm based on no-till practices. CHACRAS SYSTEM is a program created by AAPRESID to meet the technological needs of farmers and technician groups in their work environments, based on an integrated analysis of their production systems. Through its two spaces, CHACRAS and Thematic Networks, it serves as a platform for knowledge generation and transfer, in ...more

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Must read

Aare, Ane Kirstine, Søren Lund, and Henrik Hauggaard-Nielsen. “Exploring Transitions towards Sustainable Farming Practices through Participatory Research – The Case of Danish Farmers’ Use of Species Mixtures.” Agricultural Systems 189 (April 1, 2021): 103053. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103053.

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Open Position in OFE

One PhD research assistantship is available immediately in the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. The project focuses on evaluating variable rate fertilizer management strategies using on-farm precision experiment, cutting-edge digital agricultural technologies, and data analytics. The applicants must have a B.S. degree (M.S. preferred) in Precision Agriculture, Mathematics, Computer Science, Soil Science, Agronomy, Environmental Science, or closely related fields. Please contact Dr. Haiying Tao (haiying.tao@uconn.edu) for additional information.

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Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Farmer-Centric OFE

We are glad to announce the open access publication of the Proceedings of the First International Conference on Farmer-centric On-Farm Experimentation - Digital tools for a Scalable Transformative Pathway. This conference was organized by INRAE-#DigitAg and the ISPA OFE-C (International Society of Precision Agriculture, On-Farm Experimentation Community). #OFE2021 was conducted in a hybrid format from October 13th to 15th in Montpellier (including one day dedicated to a workshop to develop policy propositions) and was preceded by a round of four webinars in May 2021. Find the proceedings here.

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Event: International Forum on Agroecosystem Living Labs

Announcement of International Forum on AgroEcosystem Living Labs 02-06 October Montreal, Canada.  A side event within the Adaptation Futures 2023 Conference in Montréal, Canada, from October 2 to 6, 2023. Submission deadline is March 30th 2023. Learn more here.

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Apparently, On-Farm Demonstration is not On-Farm Experimentation

There is “a project involving 400 farms and around 40 villages in the Deux-Sevres region of western France, where scientists are experimenting with different techniques to cut pollution.” GREAT! "We have demonstrated that conventional farmers can reduce nitrogen and pesticides by a third without loss of yield, while increasing their income because they lower their costs" BRILLIANT!! "Even the farmers who participated in the experiment and saw the results with their own eyes did not noticeably change their practices" THEY WHAT???? Full article available here.

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Inspiring from other sectors

“[Victoria] Sweet’s book God’s Hotel: A Doctor, a Hospital and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine explains how, after reading about the medieval healer Hildegard of Bingen, she came to the conclusion that, to better describe the aims of recovery, we should resurrect Hildegard’s medieval concept of viriditas, or “greening” – to be healed is to be reinvigorated by the same force that gives life to trees as much as it does human beings. She, too, observed that the work of the physician is much more like that of ...more

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Open OFE position

This is a reminder that the OFE position at INRAE is still open. Details here.

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Every farmer should be doing on-farm research

The Natural Resources Defense Council is an international nonprofit environmental organization with more than 3 million members and online activists. It works in the US, Canada, China, India and Latin America. In their latest report entitled REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE: FARM POLICY FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Policy Recommendations to Advance Regenerative Agriculture, they stress that “On-farm research is a key ingredient of regenerative agriculture, important for developing techniques and solving problems”. Full report available here.

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A more promising theory of change

Interesting piece in The Conversation from Assoc. Prof Phillip A Loring (Guelph University) reinforcing the importance of farmer-centric OFE. "There is no doubt that regenerative agriculture and other agroecological practices can help address climate change, including by sequestering carbon in the soil. But, at a time when innovation and diffusion of new ideas are urgently needed, fostering an ethical agroecological space where people can experiment and share is a more promising theory of change than creating mechanisms to enforce uniformity and exclusion." Full article available here.

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New report on Farmer-Centric Data Governance

The potential benefits of digital agriculture are prolific. However, farm data is generally collected by others, and smallholder farmers rely on external resources, like weather data, and proprietary tools that provide specific advisories. Farmers face a paradox: while the use of data holds much potential, control over power, resources, and data governance challenges raise the possibility that farmers do not benefit from their own data. This report contains six Deep Dives and nine Case Studies to provide user-centric approaches to data governance that places farmers and their communities at the center of data gathering initiatives and aims to reduce ...more

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Concerns about the transition from Agriculture to Agriautomation fueled by OFE

By: Montana State University On-Farm Precision Experimentation Group We consider the potential endpoint of our research utilizing on-field experimentation to optimize crop production so that it maximizes farmer profits but minimizes pollution from crop production inputs (e.g. cover crops, fertilizers and pesticides). Our research has contributed the ability to fully automate OFE through the use of precision technologies and modern analytics. The conundrum is that agriautomation results in a more ecologically based agriculture that can simultaneously focus on food nutritional density and minimization of pollution, but ultimately removes human and historic mechanisms of knowledge. Agriautomation, the end point of ...more

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Special Issue on OFE in Agronomy for Sustainable Development

Back in August 2021, guest editors Myrtille Lacoste, Isabelle Piot-Lepetit, Nicolas Tremblay and Simon Cook sent a call for papers for a virtual issue on OFE, which ended in March 2022. The virtual issue is titled “Farmer-Centric On-Farm Experimentation (OFE): digital tools for a scalable transformative pathway” Papers are starting to be published online and we want to highlight them here as they are coming out: ► Laurent et al. (2022) A yield comparison between small-plot and on-farm foliar fungicide trials in soybean and maize. ► Song et al. (2022) Factors influencing intention to apply spatial approaches to on-farm experimentation: insights ...more

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OFE keynotes at the AfPCA

Tune in for talks and discussions on OFE at the African Conference On Precision Agriculture Thursday, December 8th. It is not too late to register and attend the conference virtually. Louis Longchamps will be talking about Decentralized Research: an Opportunity to Accelerate the Transition Towards Sustainable Food Production; Myrtille Lacoste will be talking about Global Renewal and Future of On-farm Experimentation, and there will be an On-Farm Experimentation Panel with Louis Longchamps, Ivan Adolwa, and James Taylor. See details here. 

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OFE-C Survey on Social Media Usage

Please fill out the survey if you haven't done so yet We are interested to learn how you use social media platforms, in order to plan our outreach strategy beyond the OFE-C Newsletters. To learn more, we have prepared a very short survey (2 multiple-choice questions) that can be completed in a few seconds. Please take a moment now to complete the survey below; we would appreciate it. https://forms.gle/b7sG4yNDCwxojVn98  Thank you for your support.

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Thanks to my monthly co-editor Christian Huyghe, Scientific Director Agriculture INRAE

Thanks to my monthly co-editor Christian Huyghe, Scientific Director Agriculture INRAE

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Inspiring from other sectors

Observational research often perceived as inferior The main barrier to the publication of observational research is a perceived inferiority to randomised designs with regard to the reliability of their conclusions. This commentary addresses this issue and makes a set of recommendations. It analyses the issue of research reliability in detail and fully describes the three sources of research unreliability (certainty, risk and uncertainty). Two of these (certainty and uncertainty) are not adequately addressed in most research texts. It establishes that randomised designs are vulnerable as observation studies to these two sources of unreliability, and are therefore not automatically superior to ...more

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The IPMWorks European project

  IPMWorks is a European-wide farm network demonstrating and promoting integrated pest management strategies. Coordinated by Nicolas Munier-Jolain (INRAE, France). This network gathers 31 partners from 16 countries across Europe. These partners cover the following roles: Farmers' organizations; Applied research, advisory and extension services; Academic research on social sciences; Academic research on agronomy (sensu lato) and environmental science; and Training organizations. Beyond the very rich on-farm resource, the project builds an extensive toolbox, that is continuously enriched, thanks to the diversity of partners. To learn more about the IPMWorks project, follow this link.

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Open position in On-Farm Experimentation

  The ITAP Research unit (Technologies for the Agriculture of Tomorrow) has an early career research position open at the moment to research and support the use of on-farm experimentation in the agroecological transition. The post details are available on the INRAE website (in French). See the position's description here. The candidate will work with a dynamic group of researchers in Precision and Digital Agriculture based in Montpellier, France. The successful candidate does not necessarily need to be proficient in French, but does need to commit to learning and working in French. As this is an OFE position, interaction ...more

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The first Agroecosystem Living Labs symposium in October 2023

  The first Agroecosystem Living Labs symposium will be organized as a side event of the international Adaptation Futures 2023 to be held in Montreal in October (2-6 October 2023 in Montréal, Canada). The Agroecosystem Living Labs, jointly organized by Agriculture and AgriFood Canada and INRAE-France, will be in a hybrid format and will offer the possibility to share experiences across the world. On-farm experiments are one form of such participatory approaches. Thanks to the work of the scientific committee, the most valuable papers will be published in a special issue of an international scientific journal. To visit the COnference ...more

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A French network in a problem-solving approach

  Sugar beet production in western Europe is under threat because of the damages due to the impact of viruses that are transmitted by peach aphids. Since 1993, this threat has been under control by the use of neonicotinoids in seed treatments. Due to French regulations, this pesticide has been withdrawn from all crops since 2018. In absence of protection, major yield losses were observed in 2020 (-27.4%) due to early aphid arrivals. A derogative regime for sugar beet was set, that went to an end after the decision of the European Commission Justice Court in January 2023. In order to identify levers and ...more

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Inspiring from Other Sectors

Regulators Speak About Decentralized Clinical Trials While the Decentralized Clinical Trials concept is still in its infancy, the fact that regulators encourage Decentralized Clinical Trials practices indicates it is here to stay. Much work between the industry and regulators will need to occur before Decentralized Clinical Trials can become a harmonized approach. Read the news clip here.

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Latest Release From the ASD Special Issue on OFE

Back in August 2021, guest editors Myrtille Lacoste, Isabelle Piot-Lepetit, Nicolas Tremblay and Simon Cook sent a call for papers for a virtual issue on OFE, which ended in March 2022. The virtual issue is titled “Farmer-Centric On-Farm Experimentation (OFE): digital tools for a scalable transformative pathway” Here is the latest article to be published ► Toffolini and Jeuffroy 2022. On-farm experimentation practices and associated farmer-researcher relationships: a systematic literature review.

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Science and Technology Backyard

Science and Technology Backyards (STBs) were introduced by China Agricultural University in 2009. It is a farming service model designed to reinforce relational embeddedness between education, research, and extension at the community level to provide agricultural extension and advisory services to smallholder farmers. STB can be considered a hybrid model that combines a top-down approach with bottom-up measures to promote innovation among smallholder farmers. In STBs, technological innovation is supposed to derive from location-specific problem diagnosis and is re-fitted based on local context and farmer demand. To learn more read the Li et al. 2022 paper here.  

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Results of the OFE-C Survey on Social Media Usage

Based on the results below, it seems like LinkedIn is, by a small margin, the preferred social media platform of our group. Due to the spread of use across multiple platforms, it may be good to consider a multi-platform communication strategy, broadcasting content on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn simultaneously. Another outcome of this survey is noticing that there seem to be few students in our group. We encourage you to inform your students about the OFE-C and tell them that they can sign up for free here.  

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SharedIt link for Nature Food paper: OFE to Transform Global Agriculture

Our apologies for not having offered the opportunity to consult the full Nature Food paper in our last communication. The publisher does not allow open access for that kind of paper but it does provide an alternative in the form of this SharedIt link.   On-Farm Experimentation Community (OFE-C) co-leads, Simon Cook and Nicolas Tremblay are among the authors of a newly released and highly collaborative Nature Food paper on OFE. This timely work acknowledges and celebrates the diversity of approaches and views on farmer-centric OFE internationally. As the visionary Professor Simon Cook put it, “OFE is ...more

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‘A Decade of Data’: Celebrating 10 Years of the Research Data Alliance

In 2023 the Research Data Alliance will celebrate its 10th anniversary and will commemorate this important milestone by organizing a series of international and regional events and activities. Each month of 2023, from February to November, will be dedicated to a specific theme related to research data management of relevance to the RDA community. The RDA Secretariat and regional bodies are organizing various thematic events and activities (e.g., webinars, workshops and podcasts). February: FAIR data, software and hardware March: A Decade of Data: The RDA’s 20th Plenary meeting April: Health and medical data  May:&...more

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Webinar: Responsible Digital Agroecology, from Farm to Fork

The “Responsible Digital Agroecology, from farm to fork” webinar will be held on Thursday, October 13, 4–6 p.m. (Paris time). It is organized by #DigitAg (INRAE-CIRAD) and CGIAR. How can innovations in digital agriculture ensure inclusion and equity for all actors in the value chain? Today, new digital tools and services make digitalization more suitable to smallholders and could boost transition towards agroecology, climate-smart agriculture and inclusiveness. Research efforts must now concentrate both on technological development and on the organizational and policy evolution necessary to maximize the benefits while avoiding risks. More, original ways to carry out research, ...more

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Inspiring from other sectors: UK Recovery Trial

The UK RECOVERY Trial is heralded as a huge success for its discovery of cheap and effective treatments to COVID even while the UK’s National Health Service was being inundated by the Tsunami of the Covid pandemic. The trial is credited with saving at least a million lives, using Dexamethasone, a cheap and readily available medication. It did so in rapid time, enrolling its first trial patient within days, its first life-saving treatment within weeks and changes to government policy within hours. The account of the RECOVERY Trial makes exciting reading in its own right, but ...more

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Biweekly seminar series on Data Intensive Farm Management

The Data-Intensive Farm Management Project at the University of Illinois will be hosting again their biweekly seminar series where members of the DIFM/CIGOFT project will present their research. The seminar series will be held on every other Thursday's starting October 20, 2022. People who have tried the DFIM system and would like to share their experience are encouraged to reach out to Carli J. Miller (cjmille5@illinois.edu). You can connect via email with Carli J. Miller for the link to the seminars. Come and join us.  

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A new knowledge exchange platform for agriculture

FarmPEP is a new knowledge exchange platform created for agriculture. It was initiated in January 2020 via an Innovate UK project with ADAS, Agri-techE, CCRI, Innovative Farmers, Open Coop and The Farming Forum with the aim of connecting Knowledge Exchange in agriculture, post-Covid19. Read more about the initial project here. It has been co-designed to connect across agriculture, enabling knowledge exchange through a new Performance Enhancement Platform. It aims to connect people, organisations, projects and resources to enable knowledge across farming to be shared, found, discussed, distilled and developed. Various topics include On-Farm Experimentation, Farm centric ...more

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Successful approaches for on-farm experimentation

On-farm experiments are used increasingly in agronomic research because they are commercially relevant, but they can carry greater risks of failure than traditional small plot experiments conducted by scientists. Experimental failures can result from farmer withdrawal, errors in treatment application or harvest, or non-provision of yield data by farmers. This paper describes the development and testing of approaches for on-farm experimentation and concludes which approaches should be adopted to maximise success. The programme of work included the largest on-farm research network in the UK, with farmers conducting around 50 on-farm experiments per year from 2017 to 2019 to compare fungicide programmes in winter ...more

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Postdoc Opportunity on OFE at University of Connecticut

The Soil Fertility and Soil Health Program in the Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture at the University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT seeks a highly motivated Post Doctorial Associate. The Postdoc will work with the PIs from multiple institutions (e.g., University of Illinois, Montana State University, Louisiana State University, University of Nebraska, USDA-ARS, etc.) to support projects focus on studying variable rate strategies using on-farm precision experiments, cutting-edge digital agricultural technologies, big data, and data analytics. The selected applicant will conduct on-farm experiment, analyze data, publish peer-reviewed journal articles, contribute to the development of decision-support tools, and participate ...more

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A Review on Precision Agroecology

Merging precision agriculture technology and agroecological principles offers a unique array of solutions driven by data collection, experimentation, and decision support tools. Precision agroecology provides a unique opportunity to synthesize traditional knowledge and novel technology to transform food systems. Duff, H.; Hegedus, P.B.; Loewen, S.; Bass, T.; Maxwell, B.D. Precision Agroecology. Sustainability 2022, 14, 106. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14010106  

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ARDN conference on agricultural data interoperability

A conference will be held on June 9, 2022, at the USDA National Agricultural Library to showcase the agricultural data interoperability work done as part of ARDN, the Agricultural Research Data Network. This work started with development of the AgMIP data interoperability standards in 2010 and has been expanded in collaboration with CGIAR and the USDA National Agricultural Library. The ARDN project team will describe methods developed for data annotation and sharing which can be used to “rescue” legacy data or be applied to new data sources to facilitate interoperability and reuse of our most valuable agricultural research product: data. The ...more

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How to get Attention for Research Project Outputs

Jennifer Gibson, the Executive Director of Dryad in the UK explains Social Marketing which has been an important strategy in public health promotion for 30 years and has significant potential for helping to advance change in the research community.  

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FAIR Quality Information Guidelines

This “FAIR Quality Information guidelines” reviews FAIR principles from a “quality” perspective and summarizes this into guidelines for data producers, users, custodians and stewards. The guidelines are aimed at Earth Science datasets with these composing most of the examples. However, the advice is quite general, applicable to agricultural datasets.  

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A Framework to Better Understand How Farmers Experiment Agroecological Practices

Farmers’ experimentation has long been identified, but until now, its dynamic has hardly been studied at all. The aim of this paper from Catalogna et al. (2022) is to understand the multiannual experimental itineraries that farmers follow when they try new agroecological practices on their farms. Results show how the representation of experimental itineraries could support farmers in their experiments and enable them to learn more efficiently.  

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Guidelines for Quality Information of Individual Digital Datasets

Informed decisions on whether and how to (re)use digital datasets are dependent on an understanding about the quality of the underpinning data and relevant information. This new paper addresses the challenges and promotes the creation and (re)use of freely and openly shared information about the quality of individual datasets. Members of several groups around the world have undertaken an effort to develop international community guidelines with practical recommendations for the Earth science community, collaborating with international domain experts.  

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The Data Streams Podcast

Data Streams is a collection of conversations among members in the Research Data Alliance (RDA) community about challenges they face as researchers and data experts in managing the massive quantities of research data and how together, they are finding solutions and proving the value of open research data sharing and reuse.  

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Call for papers on Farmer-Centric On-Farm Experimentation in Agronomy for Sustainable Development

Here is an exceptional opportunity to let the scientific community know about your On-Farm Experimentation (OFE) work. Contributions are most welcome to this Virtual Issue focusing on recent advances relative to Farmer-Centric On-Farm Experimentation (OFE). It coincides with OFE2021, the 1st Farmer-Centric On-Farm Experimentation Conference (13–15 October 2021) and is open to everyone. Indeed, participation in OFE2021 is not mandatory to submit OFE-related work to this special issue. Submissions end on March 1, 2022. The conference was supported by the OECD—CRP Sustainable Agricultural Systems, DigitAg, INRAE and the International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA).  

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Opportunity to Showcase your OFE Work

The 15th ICPA in June 2022 is an opportunity to virtually present your work in dedicated OFE sessions. Let’s continue the conversation initiated with the spring 2021 webinar series and the #OFE2021 Conference! Submit an abstract here.  

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Bridges for Open Sharing and Re-use of Data

A final report on Research Data Alliance (RDA) 18th Virtual Plenary Meeting is now available, capturing various takeaways from the November feeding. All videos from Virtual Plenary 18 are now available on YouTube. The videos are all now available for the public to listen to at their convenience. Have a special look at the "BO2 - IG Agricultural Data IGAD: Interest Group on Agricultural Data: A roadmap for our CoP" broadcast.  

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On-farm Research on Canola from Brandon, Manitoba

Two papers on canola featuring on-farm research: Khakbazan, M., Moulin, A. & Huang, J. Economic evaluation of variable rate nitrogen management of canola for zones based on historical yield maps and soil test recommendations. Sci Rep 11, 4439 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-83917-3 Aaron J. Glenn, Alan P. Moulin, Amal K. Roy, Henry F. Wilson. Soil nitrous oxide emissions from no-till canola production under variable rate nitrogen fertilizer management. Geoderma 385, 114857 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114857  

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Efficient Water Management for Smallholders in Africa

Developed by the Virtual Irrigation Academy, piloted water front detectors (WFD) are a simple soil moisture tool that informs farmers when to irrigate and when to stop applying water to their fields. Now, freely available satellite data, covering a wide geographical area with repeated measurements over time, offers an alternative way to monitor and assess intervention impacts in fragmented smallholder landscapes. A wide range of freely available satellite data sources exist, capturing the Earth’s surface in various levels of detail. Landsat 8 satellite data provided the best available resolution for the period during which on-farm water management interventions took ...more

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Data-Intensive Farm Management (DIFM) Project

Dr. David Bullock made a presentation entitled “Contributing to an International Cyber-Infrastructure for On-farm Precision Experimentation” before the OFE2021 “Farmer-Centric On-Farm Experimentation” Conference and the University of Bonn PhenoRob Institute.  The purpose of the trip was to publicize DIFM’s latest efforts and seek collaboration with researchers in the European Union. The DIFM team has also created a multistate Research Project, titled NC1210: Frontiers in On-Farm Experimentation which will enable researchers from all across the United States to collaborate and host meetings on an annual basis.  

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A Review of Yield Stability Analysis Methods in Long-term Field Experiments (LTE)

This review provides guidance for the most commonly encountered methodological issues when analyzing yield stability in LTEs. Consistent use of the suggested guidelines and recommendations may provide a basis for robust analyses of yield stability in LTEs and to subsequently design stable cropping systems that are better adapted to a changing climate. Reckling, M., Ahrends, H., Chen, TW. et al. Methods of yield stability analysis in long-term field experiments. A review. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 41, 27 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13593-021-00681-4    

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Proposed Method for Statistical Analysis of On-Farm Single Strip Treatment Trials

This paper explores statistical frameworks to quantify the effect of a single treatment strip using georeferenced yield monitor data and yield stability-based management zones. Cho, Jason B., Joseph Guinness, Tulsi Kharel, Ángel Maresma, Karl J. Czymmek, Jan van Aardt, and Quirine M. Ketterings. 2021. "Proposed Method for Statistical Analysis of On-Farm Single Strip Treatment Trials" Agronomy 11, no. 10: 2042. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11102042  

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Comments, Reactions and Additions to the Nature Food paper?

You might consider submitting your work to the Special Issue in Agronomy for Sustainable Development. This virtual issue coincides with OFE2021, the 1st Farmer-Centric On-Farm Experimentation Conference (13–15 October 2021) and is open to everyone. Submissions end on March 1, 2022.  

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Smartphone App Designed for, and With, Farmers

As the use of smartphone technology is becoming increasingly popular in the agricultural context, there is a need to consider how farmers have adapted to this form of technology. The current study examined the factors which influence Irish farmers’ engagement with smartphone use and new smartphone apps and explored the supports required by farmers to successfully engage with smartphone apps for agriculture use. Kenny, U. and Regan, Á., 2021. Co-designing a smartphone app for and with farmers: Empathising with end-users’ values and needs. Journal of Rural Studies, 82, pp.148-160.  

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Data & Digital Revolution for Food Systems

To address the global food system challenges effectively, we must overcome fragmentation within and across sectors to act in a transdisciplinary fashion, bringing together the natural and social sciences with data and technology to drive food systems towards more favorable potential futures for humanity and the planet. The Global Coalition for Digital Food Systems Innovation participated to the “Forum COP26 Live”. The recording is available here. The Coalition involves FAO, World Bank, CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture, Mineral at X, Google, Digital Green, GEOGLAM, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, VARDA, Consumers International, Bayer Foundation, Mercy Corps, World ...more

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Farming to Meet Sustainable Development Goals in Africa: Reflections on Soil Health and Policy

This webinar reflects on how to achieve sustainable productivity gains through investments in soil health and knowledge. Reports have been commissioned on pioneering efforts in East and Southern Africa to engage and empower farmers and communities through approaches that specifically support disadvantaged youth and women. Highlights include innovations in extension, soil health monitoring and agricultural policy around sustainable intensification.  

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