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ISPA Newsletter Volume 4 Issue 1
Feb 16, 2016
Abstract Submissions for 13th ICPA

Thanks to those who submitted abstracts to the 13th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, July 31 – August 4, 2016 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Many high quality abstracts were submitted and have been reviewed. Corresponding authors have been notified. Status updates are also posted online when you are logged in at https://www.ispag.org/abstracts. If you have not received an email about your abstract, please let us know at abstracts@ispag.org.

ISPA Member Communities

Interested in increasing your involvement in ISPA? Consider joining together with colleagues having common interests to form a Community. Guidance and expectations for ISPA Communities are online. Now is a great time to form a Community so that a first meeting can be held at the upcoming ICPA. If you have questions or would like to begin the process of forming a community email president@ispag.org.

InterMET Asia 2016: Weather and climate services in an age of extreme weather and climate change

Mar 16, 2016 to Mar 18, 2016

InterMET Asia is the only event in the Asia-Pacific dedicated to the economic and social impact of extreme weather and climate change. The 2016 event takes place in Singapore, 16 – 18 March and is free-to-attend. It brings together financial donor agencies and a senior audience from more than 25 countries, including national hydro-met agencies, technology and data services companies, insurers, and weather affected businesses. It is supported by the World Bank, Global Facility for Disaster Reduction & Recovery, World Meteorological Organisation, Singapore National Environment Agency, and the Hydro-Meteorological Equipment Industry Association. The event comprises a 2-day exhibition of technology companies and a 3-day conference on the application of meteorology across numerous sectors, including: Agriculture, Energy, and Disaster Risk Reduction. Conference day 3, hosted by the World Bank, focuses on the development of effective national hydromet services in developing countries. For more information, please visit: www.intermet.asia.

World Precision Agriculture Aviation Conference

The CIGR Precision Aerial Application Working Group and the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (CSAE) will hold the 2016 World Precision Agricultural Aviation Conference and the 7th China Agricultural Aviation Equipment and Technology Expo on April 19-21, 2016 at the China International Exhibition Center, Beijing. More information is available in pdf form or at the conference website: www.ciaaechina.com

Agricontrol 2016

Aug 14, 2016 to Aug 17, 2016, paper submission by Mar 16, 2016

Sensing, control, automation and mechanization can increase agricultural productivity, improve worker health and safety, optimize resource utilization, and reduce labor requirements. AGRICONTROL 2016: The 5th IFAC Conference on Sensing, Control and Automation for Agriculture will bring together scientists, engineers, students and others working in these areas from around the world to share their latest results. More details can be found at the conference website: http://ifac.cahnrs.wsu.edu/

ICT in Agriculture: Perspectives of Technological Innovation

ICT’s evolution, innovation and implementation in Agriculture is still surging ahead. With this in mind the e-Book’s ultimate goal was, and remains, to provide would-be developers, agents of change, policy makers and ICT end users with proven tips BEFORE they repeat past mistakes, misinterpret successful ideas and miss potential collaboration opportunities. http://departments.agri.huji.ac.il/economics/gelb-main.html

CAPIGI joins forces with Geospatial World Forum

24-26 May 2016 - Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The 6th edition of the Community on Agricultural Policy Implementation and Geo-Information (CAPIGI) will collaborate with the Geospatial World Forum (GWF) to jointly present and discuss the latest trends, innovations and issues in the application of spatial data in agriculture. The joint CAPIGI-GeoAgri conference will focus on The Next Level in Spatial Data, Smart Farming and New Business. It provides the 150 participants the opportunity to be part of the whole GWF, while still maintaining its particular focus on agriculture. The GeoAgri programme has been a part of the Geospatial World Forum for many years. It discusses the value of geospatial technology in enhanced decision making, effectively managing resources and assets, enhancing the efficiency of workflows, and improving the accessibility of information. It focuses on the use of geo-spatial data for improved and sustainable agriculture. The GeoAgri session in 2015 brought forward the latest innovations, technologies and tools within agriculture and tried bringing a new wave of farming. http://www.geospatialworldforum.org/

The International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) is a non-profit professional scientific organization.
The mission of ISPA is to advance the science of precision agriculture globally.
newsletter@ispag.org to suggest content for future newsletters or visit www.ispag.org for more about the Society