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ISPA Newsletter 9(12): Abstract Deadline, Spanish Ministry of Ag, Upcoming Events, Jobs Listing, Contribute
Dec 21, 2021
Abstract Deadline This Friday, December 24th
The final deadline for the submission of abstracts to the 15th International Conference on Precision Agriculture is this Friday, 24 DEC 2021. Please submit your abstract this week. All abstracts will be reviewed and notifications of acceptance, rejection, or conditional acceptance will be sent to the corresponding authors by 31 JAN 2022.
The 15th ICPA to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 26-29 JUNE 2022.
Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Food - Royal Decree
In November 2nd, the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Food issued a regulation announcing a subsidy to help farmers implement more sustainable and competitive solutions. It is quite interesting because farmers can apply for subsidies to purchase PA related equipment but they have to provide a small project to get them describing what are they going to buy, why, how will they use it, what is the compatibility with other equipment, etc. They can also apply for software licenses. And they have to include a dissemination plan with the results obtained and a 25 h training plan they have to follow. The good thing is that the Ministry used the ISPA definition of PA and included in the decree. See article 3, section q.
Real Decreto 948/2021, de 2 de noviembre, por el que se establecen las bases reguladoras para la concesión de ayudas estatales destinadas a la ejecución de proyectos de inversión dentro del Plan de impulso de la sostenibilidad y competitividad de la agricultura y la ganadería (III) en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.
Royal Decree 948/2021, of November 2, which establishes the regulatory bases for the granting of state aid for the execution of investment projects within the Plan to promote the sustainability and competitiveness of agriculture and livestock (III) within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
This is the link to the decree:
Real Decreto 948/2021, de 2 de noviembre, por el que se establecen las bases reguladoras para la concesión de ayudas estatales destinadas a la ejecución de proyectos de inversión dentro del Plan de impulso de la sostenibilidad y competitividad de la agricultura y la ganadería (III) en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.
Royal Decree 948/2021, of November 2, which establishes the regulatory bases for the granting of state aid for the execution of investment projects within the Plan to promote the sustainability and competitiveness of agriculture and livestock (III) within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
This is the link to the decree:
The VISION Conference
ISPA is a partner in promoting the PrecisionAg VISION Conference to be held 18-19 JAN 2022 in Glendale, Arizona, USA.
Agribusiness technology is fast-evolving with the rate of development and adoption driving transformational change. As the ag ecosystem grows increasingly more digitized and data-driven, the VISION Conference is the platform that convenes leadership across industry sectors with aligned partners to shape a forward-looking, strategic roadmap for integrating innovations. Meet with the innovators developing interoperable solutions for the food value chain. Find out how the next generation of autonomous equipment, handhelds, and other ag systems are transforming the industry.
Learn more and register at:
Upcoming Events
25-27 FEB 2025
GIS & Drone Applications in Agriculture Conference
29 JUN - 3 JUL 2025
14-16 OCT 2025
11th Asian-Australasian Conference on Precision Agriculture
Chiayi, Taiwan
2-4 FEB 2026
International Crop Modeling Symposium (iCROPM2026)
International Crop Modeling Symposium (iCROPM2026)
Florence, Italy
Week of 13 JUL 2026
17th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and the 11th Brazilian Congress on Precision Agriculture
Porto Alegre, Brazil
Do you have an event that would be of interest to our members? Send us an email to let us know.
Jobs Listing
- Clinical Assistant Professor of Machine Systems for Climate Smart Crop Production - Purdue University
- Postdoc in Digital Agronomy for Climate Resilient Perennial Agriculture
- Assistant Professor Ecological Engineering - University of Minnesota - Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering
- Assistant or Associate Professor of Extension Soil Management - University of Kentucky - Department of Plant and Soil Sciences
- University of Georgia - Assistant Professor - Extension Specialist Precision Agriculture Systems
Do you have a job you would like to post to the ISPA website? Please send your job announcement, a short description, and cutoff deadline for applications to
Contribute to the ISPA Newsletter
Do you have a precision ag event, project, or news article that our members would be interested in? Please let us know. We post events, job opportunities, and news from members from around the globe. Email or use the handy online form to submit your contribution.
The International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) is a non-profit professional scientific organization.
The mission of ISPA is to advance the science of precision agriculture globally.
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