
Newsletter Suggestion

Have an event, project, job opening, or interesting news item related to precision agriculture? Please suggest an item for our ISPA newsletter. We welcome contributions from members and associates. 

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ISPA Newsletter 11(3): 16th ICPA Save the Date, ISPA Economics Community Update, Scientia Horticulturae Call for Papers
Mar 21, 2023
Save The Date for the 16th ICPA
16th ICPA Flyer
Download the 16th ICPA Flyer Here

Save the Date for the 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture!

Mark your calendars for the 16th ICPA in Manhattan, Kansas, USA from 21 July - 24 July 2024.
Stay up to date with conference information and updates on the ISPA website at www.ispag.org/icpa and on our social media platforms. 
Be sure to follow us on:
Twitter: @IntSoPA
ISPA Economics Community
The ISPA Economics Community held a meeting during the 15th ICPA in Minneapolis. The outcomes from the meeting included a resolution to maintain Economics Community inter-conference activities, increase participation, and extend its influence globally to reach all ISPA members. We very much look forward to the 2024 ICPA and encourage ISPA members to consider attending the conference and becoming part of the ISPA Economics Community. We would also like to thank Jiali Shang (outgoing Economics Community Leader) for her wonderful support and commitment to the ISPA Economics Community from 2018-2022.
Call for Nominations – Deputy Economics Community Leader
The ISPA Economics Community is now calling for nominations to take up the position of Deputy Economics Community Leader. The role would begin immediately with the successful nominee becoming the Economics Community Leader from the 2024 ICPA for a period of 2 years.
If you would like to nominate yourself or a colleague, please email Karl Behrendt, ISPA Economics Community Leader (kbehrendt@harper-adams.ac.uk) a short bio for consideration by the broader economics community. Nominations should be sent by 23rd April 2023.
ISPA Economics Community Event
During the 18th & 19th September 2023 the ISPA Economics Community will be hosting a special session at the 6th Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures organised by Harper Adams University, UK. The session will be focused on the Economics and Adoption of Precision Agriculture. This is part of an in-person symposium at Harper Adams University in the UK, with discounted on-campus accommodation available and a very sociable conference dinner. You are invited to showcase your work and discuss it among world leading peers and fellow Economics Community members. For the last two years the Economics Community has hosted this special session during the symposium with notable keynotes presented by Prof David Zilberman and Dr David Bullock. The call for papers is currently open and closes on the 10th July 2023 and we encourage ISPA members to consider submitting their work. For more information go to: https://www.agritechecon.co.uk/
Call For Papers - Scientia Horticulturae

Sensing advances for tree and fruit physiological traits definition in horticulture

The Scientia Horticulturae would like to hear from you.  They are looking for paper submissions for their upcoming publication. 

The demand for high yield and fruit quality increases along with world population growth, demand for healthy fresh fruit, increased labor cost, and competitive land use. Implementation of precision horticulture relies heavily on sensors and systems, playing an increasingly important role in today’s horticultural production systems, regardless of operation size, commodity, or management approach.

This issue provides current aspects and future perspectives on advances in sensing technology, and various types of sensors that have developed commercially and are becoming available in precision horticulture. It aims to provide comprehensive coverage of the current trends in optical sensors, and potential techniques for efficient, rapid, and non-invasive detection of yield, stress, fruit size, and quality. Special attention is given to new directions of sensor based extracted plant information and its relation with tree and fruit physiology.

Please click here for more information and to learn how to submit a paper.

Country Representative - Bayu Taruna Widjaja Putra
Country Representative - Bayu Taruna Widjaja Putra
Country Representatives serve to help promote ISPA by championing the ISPA mission and purpose globally, in particular, in the country they represent. ISPA is growing internationally so Country Representatives remain an important position to help ISPA best serve people, groups, governments and others, globally connecting them to science and experts.
Please join us in thanking ISPA Country Representative from Indonesia, Bayu Taruna Widjaja . 
If you are interested in becoming a Country Representative, please email info@ispag.org with your bio highlighting your experience in precision agriculture and your CV.  ISPA requires that all Country Representatives are current members of the society. To become a member, please complete the membership form.  
Agriculture Education Courses Database
A mission of the ISPA is to further education in precision agriculture across the globe. In order to strengthen that incitive, ISPA will be compiling a list of current agriculture courses offered by colleges and universities and an outcome of the recent 2022 membership survey. Please complete the survey to let us know about a course or courses you instruct or a course(s) you have participated in. If you would like to submit a survey for multiple courses, please complete a new form for each course.
Submit your agriculture course(s) here
Agriculture Education Course Database
Upcoming Events
25-27 FEB 2025
GIS & Drone Applications in Agriculture Conference
14-15 MAY 2025
3rd National Conference on Smart Agriculture
29 JUN - 3 JUL 2025
15th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
Barcelona, Spain 
22-31 AUG 2025
XXXII ISSCT Centennial Congress
Cali, Colombia 
14-16 OCT 2025
11th Asian-Australasian Conference on Precision Agriculture 
Chiayi, Taiwan
2-4 FEB 2026
International Crop Modeling Symposium (iCROPM2026)
Florence, Italy 
Week of 13 JUL 2026
17th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and the 11th Brazilian Congress on Precision Agriculture
Porto Alegre, Brazil 
Do you have an event that would be of interest to our members? Send us an email to let us know.
Contribute to the ISPA Newsletter
Do you have a precision ag event, project, or news article that our members would be interested in? Please let us know. We post events, job opportunities, and news from members from around the globe. Email info@ispag.org or use the handy online form to submit your contribution.
Stay Up To Date with ISPA on Social Media!

Be sure to follow ISPA on Twitter and LinkedIn to remain up to date with what the society has to offer. If you're posting about precision agriculture and would like to reach our international community, please add #ispag to your post.

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The International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) is a non-profit professional scientific organization.
The mission of ISPA is to advance the science of precision agriculture globally.
newsletter@ispag.org to suggest content for future newsletters or visit www.ispag.org for more about the Society