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Temporal Analysis of Correlation of NDVI with Growth and Yield Features of Rice Plants
1O. Barrero, 2L. A. Castilla
1. Facultad de Ingeniería, Research Group D+TEC, Universidad de Ibagué, 730002 Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia
2. Federación Nacional de Arroceros de Colombia, 730002 Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia

In this paper we present a temporal correlation analysis of NDVI with with Growth and Yield Features of Rice Plants.  A half ha experimental rice field was established south-west of Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia (4°22'54.192"N, 75°09'17.222"W.  For the experimental design in the plot, four rows were established for nitrogen, three for phosphorous and three for potassium. For nitrogen, each row contained five treatments allocated randomly.  The nitrogen treatments were defined as:  T1= 0 kg/ha, T2= 50 kg/ha, T3= 100 kg/ha, T4= 150 kg/ha, and T5 = 200 kg/ha.  For phosphorous and potassium, each row contained four treatments allocated randomly.  The treatments were defined as: T1 = 0 kg/ha, T2 = 50 kg/ha, T3 = 100 kg/ha, T4 = 150 kg/ha. Each treatment block had a size of 36 m2approximately.   The experimental plot was flew weekly, using a fixed wing UAV with a multispectral camera, from emergence to harvest; however, due to problems with the plane and weather, the days after emergence (DAE) the data could be collected were: 24, 38, 60, 66, 104, 111, 117, and 124.  At the same time there were sampled in situ; plant height, number of tiller and panicles, and SPAD.  The results show that NDVI is highly correlated with the amount of nitrogen in rice plant at the vegetative and reproductive stages, but is not for phosphorous and potassium.  Furthermore, there exist a high correlation of NDVI with SPAD and plant height; contrary to number of tiller and panicles.  However, more research has to be done to make final conclusions about the correlation between NDVI and growth features.

Keyword: Rice Nutritional Stress, UAVs, Multiespectral Images, NDVI