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Results6 articles found.

Assistant or Associate Professor of Extension Soil Management - University of Kentucky - Department of Plant and Soil Sciences

Job Title Assistant or Associate Professor of Extension Soil Management Requisition Number FE04299 Working Title Extension Soil Management Department Name 81060:PLANT AND SOIL SCIENCES Work Location Lexington, KY Type of Position Faculty Position Time Status Full-Time Tenure Track Status Tenure Track Required Education Applicants must have an earned a doctorate in soil science, agronomy with a specialization in soil science and/or agricultural engineering, or a strongly related area. Required Related Experience Candidates should demonstrate mastery of the theory and practice of applied agricultural soil science, including communication of scientific principles to industry and producer audiences. Evidence of strong written ...

Assistant Professor (Extension) - Mississippi State University - The Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering

The Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering (ABE) at Mississippi State University (MSU) invites applications for a tenure track, 12-month, assistant/associate professor position in agricultural and biological engineering focused on agricultural technology and its application to cropping systems. This Position will have a 100% Extension appointment. Applicants should be committed to excellence in extension programming and informal teaching and be able to articulate a prospective applied research program that meets the needs of associated agricultural industries in Mississippi and the United States. Candidates with expertise in all areas of agricultural and biosystems engineering and technology will be considered, but strengths ...

Assistant Professor Ecological Engineering - University of Minnesota - Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering

About the Job The Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering (BBE), in the College of Food, Agricutural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS), seeks candidates for a tenure-track academic position at the assistant professor level with 50% teaching and 50% research responsibilities, to develop a collaborative, internationally recognized research program in the area of ecological engineering with a focus on water resources. Global Climate and Environmental Change is a strategic priority area to be addressed in the great challenge of producing adequate food and energy for the world’s growing population. One of the key objectives under this strategic priority is to ...

Assistant Professor, Precision Agronomy - University of Saskatchewan (USask)

The Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) invites applications for a faculty position in precision agronomy. This is a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor. The preferred candidate will join a cohort of several new professors being hired by the College of Agriculture and Bioresources within the strategic area of Sustainable and Digital Agriculture, a priority research area rich in potential for collaboration, partnership, innovation, and impact. Information about this cluster hire can be found at agbio.usask.ca/agbio-cluster.php.   The candidate will be expected to develop a research program in precision ...

Precision Agriculture Technologies Extension Specialist - University of Tennessee - Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science

Position: Tenure-Track Assistant or Associate Professor with a full-time, 12-month, 100% Extension appointment within the Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science (BESS) Department positioned at the West Tennessee Research and Education Center in Jackson, Tennessee. Focus Area: The successful candidate is expected to develop a nationally recognized Extension and applied research Precision Agriculture Technology Program focusing on row crop production systems. Specific areas of focus could include but are not limited to Precision Agriculture Machinery, Sensing and Control Systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and Autonomous Agriculture Systems. Primary Responsibilities: • Develop, deliver and evaluate an externally funded row crop Precision Agriculture Technology Extension ...

University of Georgia - Assistant Professor - Extension Specialist Precision Agriculture Systems

The Department of Crop and Soil Sciences (CRSS) within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) at the University of Georgia is seeking an outstanding and qualified candidate for a full-time (9-month appointment with two-months of guaranteed summer salary), 75% Extension / 20% Research / 5% Service tenure-track faculty position based at the University of Georgia’s Tifton Campus in Tifton, GA (http://tifton.caes.uga.edu/). The successful candidate is expected to develop local, state, regional, national, and internationally recognized programs broadly focused on the area of Precision Agriculture. Specific areas of emphasis will be based on the candidates’ strengths, and ...